This website is owned and operated by the CLP Holdings Limited and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates (“CLP Group”). Unless specified otherwise, references in this site to the "CLP Group" and "CLP" shall mean CLP Holdings Limited, its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The following sets out the conditions of use of this website.
The information contained in this website has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing general information about some of the operations, services and activities of CLPe . The CLP Group has taken care in the preparation of the content of this website but does not have responsibility to enhance it. Information presented is believed to be reliable but is subject to change at any time and without notice.
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This website may contain forward-looking statements. You can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts and may include words such as "anticipate", "believe", "intend", "plan", "expect" or similar words. Although the CLP Group believes it has been prudent in its plans and assumptions, there is no assurance that any indicated result will be realized. The CLP Group disclaims any intention or obligation to update forward looking statements.
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This website may contain links to third party websites which are not under the control of the CLP Group. The CLP Group does not indicate explicit or implicit any endorsement, approval, recommendation or preference of or for those third party websites or the products and services provided on them. Any use of or access to those third party websites or their products and services is solely at your own risk.
The CLP Group shall, under no circumstances, be responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential or special loss or damage arising out of the use of this website.
The terms and conditions contained in this website are governed by and will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong SAR.
May 2020